Stormwater management continues to be a critical concern due to increasingly stringent regulations. Retaining stormwater on-site is the preferred method, but traditional solutions like retention or detention ponds can be expensive, require significant maintenance, and take up valuable land. An innovative alternative is reducing the amount of impermeable surface on the site.
One way to achieve this is through the use of hard-surface porous pavements made of asphalt and concrete, which can be expensive and time-consuming to install. However, rigid and flexible plastic porous pavement systems offer a low-cost and easy-to-install alternative that can handle demanding load requirements. For example, Presto Geosystems’ porous pavers can be filled with either vegetation or aggregate to meet your project needs.
In this webinar, we will delve deeper into the benefits of using porous pavement systems for stormwater management. Our expert presenter will discuss how these systems work, their durability and cost-effectiveness, and the various infill options available. We will also provide examples of successful projects that have implemented this innovative solution.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the key design principles and sustainability benefits of porous pavement systems for stormwater management.
- Evaluate the performance of rigid and flexible porous pavements under different infill materials and traffic-loading conditions, and select the appropriate system for your project.
- Apply best practices for utilizing porous pavements for a variety of project conditions.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how porous pavements detain stormwater runoff and their effectiveness in reducing runoff volume and pollutants.