Posts Tagged: network rail

GEOWEB® Geocell Reinforcement Improves Structural Performance of Railway Track Beds

Every year, railroads dedicate a great deal of capital and resources toward creating and maintaining high-quality track profiles. Providing a well-designed track profile is the foundation on which a successful rail line operates. With ballooning rail traffic carrying heavier loads than ever and increased occurrence of extreme weather events, a stable track profile is essential for successful operation. GEOWEB® geocells have been used in the track bed for rail applications worldwide for more than 40 years. Through an interconnected honeycomb-like network, the HDPE-based GEOWEB Soil Stabilization System provides apparent cohesion and strength to materials that would otherwise be unstable over soft subgrades. Geocells stabilize the ballast, reduce vertical and lateral stresses, and limit ballast movement. Stabilization within the geocell system provides a longer lasting track profile that extends rail service life, while also reducing maintenance cycles and recurring maintenance costs. Research has shown that geocells reduce settlement of the ballast foundation and can reduce required cross-section thicknesses by up to 50%. This is particularly advantageous where track beds must be constructed over soft soils. The reduction in thickness leads to cost savings, along with an accompanying reduction in carbon emissions due to decreases in aggregate processing, transportation, handling, and installation…. Read more »